Why you should use a professional to write a Will
11th Jun 2019
You may have noticed articles in the press recently about the increasing number of Wills that are challenged. It seems as a society we are more inclined to challenge a validly executed Will if we are unhappy with the content.
It can be distressing for all parties involved when a Will is challenged not to mention, expensive and time consuming.
So what can you do to prevent this happening?
In the first instance I would strongly suggest you consult a qualified Solicitor who specialises in dealing with this area of Law. In some circumstances there is nothing you can do to prevent a challenge taking place. However by discussing your individual circumstances with an experienced professional we can do everything possible to ensure that your wishes are in as legally robust format as possible.
In some circumstances we recommend that a Solicitor and a Doctor act as witnesses to your Will. I suppose you would call it a “belt and braces” approach and it really depends on your personal circumstances as to whether this is the best way forward.
A Will made with a qualified Solicitor is not necessarily as expensive as you may think.
The service includes:
• Personal attention from a qualified Solicitor who will apply their knowledge to your individual circumstances and often ask you to consider things you have never thought of.
• Drafting of the Will to meet your needs and an explanation of any relevant legal issues
• Ensuring the Will is Executed in accordance with the law. Executed basically making sure that the Will is drafted and signed correctly so that when it is needed for Probate it can be presented effectively.
• Storage – we store your Will for free and provide copies as required.
• In addition, like all Solicitors firms we are insured and therefore you are protected by our Professional Indemnity Insurance policy.
Don’t leave it too late. We would strongly recommend ensuring you write a Will to provide for what happens after you’ve gone. It may not be as expensive as you think and we will do our best to make the process as simple and easy as possible for you.
We are always here to help so please call Philippa, Helen, Michaela or Philip on 0161 928 3848 or email mch@mchaleandco.co.uk.