Bedsores can and should be prevented. Due to the NHS being overstretched and nursing homes being understaffed, more and more patients are suffering preventable bed sores. Around 700,000 people are affected by pressure sores each year.
Bedsores cause a lot of pain and suffering and are preventable if the correct care is given. A Waterlow assessment should be carried out on admittance to a hospital or care home which identifies if someone is at a risk of developing a pressure sore. It is our experience that the Waterlow assessments are often performed incorrectly and are on occasions not done at all.
If someone is identified as being at risk of developing a pressure sore then measures can be taken to help prevent the development of one. By leaving a patient lying in the same position for a long period of time the risk of bedsores developing significantly increases. Therefore someone who has major surgery such as a hip operation is likely to be at a greater risk of developing a pressure sore. However anyone can develop bedsores, especially those with underlying health problems such as diabetes.
Pressure relieving mattresses and mobility assistance plans need to be put in place as soon as someone is identified as being at a risk.
It is the Hospital’s or care home’s responsibility to ensure that anyone at risk of developing bedsores receives the proper care to prevent a pressure sore occurring. If they do not assess the risk of bedsores properly and you or a loved one goes on to develop bedsores whilst in their care, you may have a case to claim compensation.
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