Reaching 12 penalty points on your driving licence would normally result in a six-month ban. Such a punishment would hit anyone hard, but for some people it can have potentially devastating consequences.
For those who require their licence as part of their everyday life, losing it could result in:
- The loss of a job
- The loss of a home
- Various knock-on personal difficulties
“Exceptional hardship”
However, 12 penalty points needs not automatically mean a significant ban. Indeed, it is possible to avoid such a punishment if the court decides that a driving ban would cause that individual “exceptional hardship”.
What constitutes “exceptional hardship” is very complicated and really does require expert presentation. There is case law that says that loss of a job is not in itself exceptional, so the way that such a prospect is presented to the magistrates is very important.
We are experts in putting forward these arguments and have many years of experience in presenting them to courts up and down the country. Having enjoyed many successes, we are well versed in helping those who need to get on the road to do so before their professional or personal life suffers immeasurably.
Get in touch
If you would like to know more about how our tailored services can best suit your needs, do not hesitate to get in touch. Although based in Greater Manchester, we can provide high-quality legal assistance to those who need it around the UK. Call us today on 01706 624029, or fill in the online contact form.